41 – Spanische Liebestropfen®

For centuries Northern Europeans have been wondering about the hotblooded passion of Spaniards.
After extensive research we able to disclose some of the secrets of spanish passion and the “Spanish fire”.

One of the reasons for the hot-bloodedness of the Señoras and Señores are the drugs from Spain and its former colonies, which are added to daily nutrition. The combination of these drugs with the refreshing essential oils, both of which have been used for the “passion igniter” (“inflamación de passión” in Spanish), and thus as love supplement, will enable you to attract your dream mate or to introduce a new kind of passion into your relationship.

Consumption recommendation: take 5-10 drops in liquid or sugar when needed. Shake bottle well before use. Clouding is proof of the naturalness of the product.

This product is unfit for consumption by children due to its ingredients. please store out of the reach of children.

Not suitable for children!

20ml drops
